Spring ’22 Department Seminars with Dr. Ezel Boyacı
Spring ’22 Department Seminars with Dr. Ezel Boyacı Title: Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics with Solid Phase Microextraction Speaker: Dr. Ezel Boyacı, Associate Professor Department of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Türkiye Date: April 5, 2022, Tuesday Time: 12:30 Place: Zoom Abstract: Understanding functions, various mechanisms, and the effect of stimuli on biological systems are […]
Spring ’22 Department Seminars with Prof. Süleyman Gülcemal
Spring ’22 Department Seminars with Prof. Süleyman Gülcemal Title: Iridium-Catalyzed Hydrogen Transfer Reactions Speaker: Prof. Süleyman Gülcemal Department of Chemistry, Ege University Izmir, Türkiye Date: March 29, 2022, Tuesday Time: 12:30 Place: Zoom Abstract: Recently, the use of N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) iridium complexes as catalysts in many organic transformations has increased dramatically. These iridium complexes […]
Spring ’22 Department Seminars with Dr. Çiğdem Toparlı
Spring ’22 Department Seminars with Dr. Çiğdem Toparlı Title: Exploring Multicomponent Oxide Materials for Carbon-Free Energy Storage and Conversion Speaker: Dr. Çiğdem Toparlı Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Türkiye Date: March 15, 2022, Tuesday Time: 12:30 Place: Zoom Abstract: Climate change and rapid increase in the demand for energy has […]
Spring ’22 Department Seminars with Dr. Gündoğ Yücesan
Spring ’22 Department Seminars with Dr. Gündoğ Yücesan Title: Design and synthesis of conductive MOFs, COFs, and HOFs Speaker: Dr. Gündoğ Yücesan, Associate Professor Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Berlin Berlin, Germany Date: March 1, 2022, Tuesday Time: 12:30 Place: Zoom Abstract: Among the other metal organic framework (MOF) families, phosphonate MOFs provide the richest […]
Spring ’22 Department Seminars with Dr. E. Ercan Alp
Spring ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. E. Ercan Alp Title: Synchrotron Mössbauer Spectroscopy: Implications in chemistry, geology and physics Speaker: Dr. E. Ercan Alp Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory Chicago, Illnois, United States Date: February 15, 2022, Tuesday Time: 17:30 Place: Zoom Abstract: It’s been 60 years since the Nobel Prize was given to […]
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. Wonmi Ahn
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. Wonmi Ahn Title: Strong Light-Matter Interactions Influencing Chemical Reactions: Plasmonic Photocatalysis and Polaritonic Chemistry Speaker: Dr. Wonmi Ahn Insitute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Bilkent University Ankara, Türkiye Date: December 21, 2021, Tuesday Time: 12:30 Place: Zoom Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss two different mechanisms of light-matter […]
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. Erol Yıldırım
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. Erol Yıldırım Title: Applications of Multiscale Modeling Methods on Soft Matter Materials Speaker: Dr. Erol Yıldırım Department of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Türkiye Date: December 14, 2021, Tuesday Time: 12:30 Place: Zoom Abstract: Dr. Yıldırım’s research focuses on calculating how molecular structures and dynamics of soft matter […]
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. Tülay Aygan Ateşin
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. Tülay Aygan Ateşin Title: Supercomputing the ‘How’ of Palladium-Catalyzed Organometallic Reactions Speaker: Dr. Tülay Aygan Ateşin Department of Chemistry, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Edinburg, Texas, United States Date: December 7, 2021, Tuesday Time: 17:30 Place: Zoom Abstract: Some of the greatest scientific breakthroughs have been accidentally discovered. […]
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. John C. Warner
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. John C. Warner Title: Green Chemistry: Inventing a Circular Economy Speaker: Dr. John C. Warner Zymergen Corporation Emeryville, California, United States Date: November 30, 2021, Tuesday Time: 18:00 Place: Zoom Abstract: The natural world is a beautiful and intricate system of intertwined and overlapping materials ecosystems. As humans, our […]
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. Murat Kaya Yapıcı
Fall ’21 Department Seminars with Dr. Murat Kaya Yapıcı Title: Scalable Engineering of Micro/Nanoscale Devices and Systems Speaker: Dr. Murat Kaya Yapıcı Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabancı University Istanbul, Türkiye Date: November 16, 2021, Tuesday Time: 12:30 Place: Zoom Abstract: Around 1980s, following the advancements in semiconductor device fabrication technology, a new class […]