Freshman to Attend Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

İsmail Yaşar Kökçüler, a first-year student in the Department of Chemistry, has been selected to attend this year’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. These annual meetings, held for the purpose of promoting global scientific exchange, bring young scientists together with as many as 30–40 Nobel laureates in Lindau, Germany. 

Participants are selected based on nomination by national research bodies. The theme of each year’s event alternates between physics, chemistry and physiology/medicine; the 2022 meeting will focus on breakthroughs and new perspectives in chemistry. Most of the 611 young scientists from around the world who have been invited to attend are graduate students and postdoctoral researchers; İsmail is one of relatively few undergraduates chosen to participate and the youngest attendee in whole conference history.

During the Lindau meetings, participants have the opportunity to attend lectures, discuss current scientific issues and engage in bilateral networking. These activities enable the young scientists to exchange information with each other as well as to benefit from the knowledge and experience of the Nobel laureates and scientific policy-makers invited as guests. This year’s meeting will be held between 25 June-1 July 2022, in Lindau, Germany.

Ismail Yasar Kokculer, first-year undergraduate student